Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Engaging Promoting Autism Wellness - 1746 Words

Engaging in Promoting Autism Wellness Introduction When one thinks of autism, many people do not fully understand the disorder, this is due to lack of research, media perception, and lack of involvement with these individuals. Hillman (2006) describes autism as, â€Å" a devastating developmental disorder in which children have core deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and pretend or imaginative play.† These difficulties prevent the child from interacting with individuals. They often avoid eye contact and lack of facial or emotional expression. Along with this, the absence of making friends or desire to even be in company can lead to lack of social interaction. Aside from developmental delay, children with†¦show more content†¦They can provide critical information about evidence-based treatment, offer assistance in overcoming barriers to intensive treatment, including personnel selection, and provide ongoing support to family members (Goodman, Reed, Athey-Lloyd, 2015). Case examples illustrate how psychologists can help families address specific barriers to intensive treatment. Treatment description One way to benefit the behaviors of autism is by using ABA, this form of intervention has been documented to have positive improvement with individuals with autism (Hillman 2006). ABA requires a team of Psychologists, behavioral specialists, educators, social workers, medical professionals, and most importantly the unlimited cooperation of parents. A positive outcome requires thirty to forty hours a week of intensive treatment. The process of starting new routines and time modifications of the parents’ schedules can be overwhelming, the support of psychologists is crucial for the parent’s support during this process (Erba, 2000). Other team members also have crucial responsibilities, educators are responsible for producing materials to motivate the client to engage during interactions. Behavior specialists personnel (BSCs) then can target skill development through one-on-one therapy (Hillman 2006). A case study by Hillman (2006), explained how a boy with autism, Johnny, often took three hours to get to bed becauseShow MoreRelatedMusic Therapy And Its Effect On The Quality Of A Person s Life1802 Words   |  8 Pageslives in a very powerful way, and science has shown us that it can have a positive effect on the quality of a person’s life. 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